PRO TEACHER – Calvin is one of DMI’s Pro-Teachers. We take great pride in providing working professional musicians as teachers at DMI.
What’s a Pro Teacher? Our Pro-Teachers are taught to incorporate practical knowledge that directly translates to practical skills while performing. A Pro Teacher might say something like:
• “That works perfect in here while we study, but performing live try this…”
• “Remember when you are on stage with others to be aware of what they’re doing.”
• “Listen to the group and blend your sound, you can’t just focus on your tone.”
• “Let’s do it again singing into a mic. Mic technique can make or break a performance.”
And so on… These tips are invaluable and make the transition from studying to application of a skill much more smooth. Guaranteeing a more successful first impression with any audition. It’s our goal to make the transition from student to performer as seamless and simple as possible. This is why we have implemented the Pro Teacher staff initiative at DMI.
If you like the idea of an education that goes past learning scales…
ASK ABOUT our Pro Workshops, Master Classes and Camps!