Alan Currens, pre-show meditation.
Preface: The benefits of music are many. From hobby to occupation, income to rehabilitation, music is versatile and pliable and one of its most important uses may well be that of calming stress. When you just need to let the air out of the tires for a smoother ride, try music. Listen to it, practice it, whatever… just get it in front of your ears.
This guest written article has touched me personally as I am a child of a volatile divorce who literally, at the age of 7, thrust myself into a life of the pursuit of music. Now, I’ve turned music into my life’s work as well as my career:) I entertain with phenomenal musicians in Mannequin the Band, my private event and wedding band. We travel the world and it’s like a dream come true! I also own Denver Music Institute and my studies continue with our teachers challenging me weekly to grow and find new parts of me in the music I write and perform. I hope this article opens your mind to the possibility of channeling any trials or stress into an appreciation for, or even a love of, music:)
— Alan Currens
Coping With Divorce Through Music
Many of us enjoy listening to music from our favorite artists. People tend to enjoy music because it speaks to them. Perhaps they identify with certain lyrics or like the beat of a song.
Whatever it is, music generally makes people feel better. Whether they are having a rough day or going through a stressful situation, music tends to lift them up. This is especially true of families going through and coping with divorce. Divorce is stressful for all involved. It often leads to anger, anxiety and other heightened emotions, but listening to music or learning to play an instrument can help those feelings subside.
Coping with Divorce ~ Benefits of Music During a Divorce

Music occupies and stimulates the mind. Find Positive Focus In Music Therapy.
Music is known for having a strong influence over our emotions. While we may have trouble expressing our feelings, music can help in this regard. It contains “feel-good chemicals” that bring us happiness in times of stress, anger and despair. Songwriting or lyric writing can be therapeutic.
Music therapy has been known to help those with physical and emotional ailments. It can help decrease feelings of anxiety and depression, which are commonly associated with divorce. It can improve communication and boost creativity.
As a result, music improves health. Stress and negative emotions can impact your health. They can cause you to feel worn out and ill. Listening to relaxing music can keep disease at bay and even help you sleep better.
A person extremely stressed about a divorce can perform poorly at work, school and other activities. Incorporating music during this stressful time can work wonders on the mind. Music can boost learning and memory and has been known to improve academic performance, which can be helpful for children going through a divorce.
Music lessons offer a way to meet new people. There may be band programs through your child’s school. If not, your local music store can help you find classes for both you and your child. While individual lessons are available, you’ll get more out of group classes. You’ll meet new people of all ages who share your interest in music. You might even make new friends. This can be helpful during a divorce, when you might feel lonelier than usual.
How the Denver Music Institute Can Help

The Magic That is Music, Our Escape, Our Sanctuary ~ Musician
While simply listening to music can help you feel better as you struggle with your divorce, learning how to play an instrument can be especially therapeutic. Whether you choose to play the drums, guitar, piano or another instrument, you’ll learn to unleash your creativity and channel your stress into an activity that is productive.
The Denver Music Institute can help. We have helped musicians of all levels, from novices to professionals, hone their craft and take their music skills to the next level. Our teachers are working professionals who will teach you the essentials of music while working with your individual comfort level.
No registration fee is required to get started. We understand that you lead a busy life and may be struggling to get back on your feet after a divorce. We offer flexible scheduling and month to month membership, so you’re not locked into a multi-year contract. Stop by today and discover the power of music.
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