By DMI Voice Instructor Brittany Wright During this time of uncertainty, virtual lessons have been a great way for students to practice safe at home measures. While virtual lessons are different…
By DMI Voice Instructor Brittany Wright During this time of uncertainty, virtual lessons have been a great way for students to practice safe at home measures. While virtual lessons are different…
Wellington writes: Spring will not be canceledCreativity will not be canceledLove will not be canceledand my album release?…..definitely NOT canceled! I’m happy to announce that my debut album “Because I Want…
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and a professional entertainer. I’m also a baritone turned tenor and I struggle daily with control of my voice and singing correctly….
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and I have a baritone range turned high tenor range through relentless work and visualization. I love writing about this topic because I’d…
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and a baritone turned high tenor through relentless work and visualization. And yes… lessons, lessons, lessons. I’m compelled to write this blog…
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