I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and a professional entertainer. I’m also a baritone turned tenor and I struggle daily with control of my voice and singing correctly….
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and a professional entertainer. I’m also a baritone turned tenor and I struggle daily with control of my voice and singing correctly….
THE BREAKOUT MUSICIAN SERIES Like The Breakout Musician Series?! Quick, before you forget, SUBSCRIBE on the top of the right sidebar –> to follow this in depth series about creating a…
THE BREAKOUT MUSICIAN SERIES Like this Find Local Musicians… blog?! Quick, before you forget, SUBSCRIBE on the top of the right sidebar –> to follow this in depth series about…
THE BREAKOUT MUSICIAN SERIES Like the Start A Band blogs!? Quick, before you forget, SUBSCRIBE on the top of the right sidebar –> to follow this in depth series about…
THE BREAKOUT MUSICIAN SERIES Like our Starting Bands blogs? Quick, before you forget, SUBSCRIBE on the top of the right sidebar –> to follow this and other in depth series…
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and I have a baritone range turned high tenor range through relentless work and visualization. I love writing about this topic because I’d…
I’m Alan Currens, co-owner of Denver Music Institute and a baritone turned high tenor through relentless work and visualization. And yes… lessons, lessons, lessons. I’m compelled to write this blog…
THE BREAKOUT MUSICIAN SERIES Quick, before you forget, SUBSCRIBE on the top of the right sidebar –> to follow this in depth series about creating a career in music! A…
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